Theme vowels in V(P) Structure and beyond
University of Graz (online) • Graz, Austria • April 22-23, 2021
Welcome to ThV2021!
ThV2021 aims to bring together researchers interested in the grammatical properties of theme vowels and thematic formatives, focusing not only on their morpho-phonology (as in the more traditional historical-comparative literature), but also on their contribution at the levels of argument structure, syntax and semantics.
The more far-reaching goal is to develop a stable platform for discussion and collaboration on the topic of thematic formatives and their modeling in formal theories of grammar.
Invited speakers
Empirical and theoretical background
A characteristic feature of (Proto-)Indo-European verb morphology is the occurrence of formatives traditionally known as theme vowels. A grammatical contribution commonly ascribed to these formatives is that of building a verb stem, which can combine either with Tense/Mood/Aspect or with category-changing morphemes.
More recently, the characterization of theme vowels as purely ornamental pieces of morphology has been challenged in a variety of contributions on Romance and Slavic (Antonyuk-Yudina et al. 2020, Arsenijević 2020, Fábregas 2017, Kastner & Martin 2020, Mišmaš & Simonović 2021, Taraldsen Medová & Wiland 2018; see also the discussion in Oltra-Massuet 2000: 20). In particular, some patterns of alternation have been noticed that point to a correlation between theme vowel (selection) and argument structure. The relevant data include the existence of doublets with two distinct structures in syntax and semantics.
Against this background, ThV2021 aims to bring together researchers interested in the grammatical properties of thematic formatives, focusing not only on their morpho-phonology, but also on their contribution at the levels of argument structure, syntax and semantics. The empirical and theoretical issues we are interested in include the following:
- interaction of thematic formatives with categories in the VP/vP
- thematic formatives in argument structure (alternations) and in semantic composition
- interplay between thematic formatives and phonological structure
- patterns of allomorphy involving thematic formatives
- patterns of allosemy involving thematic formatives
- thematic formatives in V(P) vs N(P)
- distribution of thematic formatives in lexical categories
- origin and dismantlement of thematic formative systems
- restructuring of thematic formative systems in language contact
Here is the call for papers (deadline extended to March, 31st, 2021!!!)
A detailed description of the workshop can be downloaded here